November 4, 2010  | On Today's Program Financial crisis? What crisis? Obama spending $2 billion to visit Mumbai
If Mumbai sounds familiar to you it's because less than 2 years ago, radical Islamic terrorists carried out massive attacks that killed 173 people and wounded 308. It's so dangerous there that the President is traveling with 3,000 people, bringing 34 warships, and spending $200 million a day to make the trip. What in the world is so important to take such a risk, and to endure the financial burden in the middle of a crisis? Something isn't right. Glenn tries to get the answer on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme Clip)
Plus Glenn talks with Mike Baker, a former CIA covert operations officer, about the dangers of the trip. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Qe2 = biggest heist of all time?
The Fed announced yesterday its plans to pump $600 billion into monetizing more American debt - a desperate Hail Mary attempt to give a boost to the economy. This is nothing more than another massive stimulus package. Missed Glenn on Fox last night? He has all the details on the Fed's desperate move ( WATCH).  ABC caves to pressure from leftist groups
Andrew Breitbart was scheduled to be part of ABC's election coverage, but that didn't sit well with the progressive hacks on the left. They immediately dropped World of Warcraft 3 and started sending emails filled with bogus rage to the brass at ABC. Not surprisingly, ABC put the pretend anger of far leftist groups ahead of free speech and cancelled Breitbart's appearance. Get the full story HERE.
Glenn brings BROKE to life!
For one night only, Glenn goes Hollywood and invades movie theaters nationwide. This live simulcast event can be seen at a theater near you. Don't miss Glenn as he brings his new book, Broke: The Plan to Restore our Trust, Truth and Treasure, to life! It happens Thursday, December 2nd! Mark it on the calendar and get your tickets now. Plus check out the TRAILER before it hits movie theaters tomorrow!
Governor of Texas: Check out Glenn's interview with Governor Rick Perry who has a new book out Fed Up!: Our Fight to Save America from Washington. Can Texas lead the way out of this mess? Check out the in studio interview on radio today ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme Clip)
A tribute to the fallen: Glenn presents a moving, totally non-sarcastic tribute to the establishment politicians who have tragically been sent packing. Watch the tribute HERE.
Stick Figure Logic
The latest original educational yet entertaining animated video from Glenn Beck is focused on hyperinflation. It happened to Germany in the 20's and Zimbabwe in 2008. Are we next? Sign in to Insider Extreme and find out! Plus, if you missed the Insider Extreme election coverage with Glenn on Tuesday, check out Mike Opelka's rundown on what he learned while being force -fed MSNBC's coverage HERE.
TV Tonight: Why would the President spend $2 billion on a trip he has no apparent pressing reason to do? Glenn gets to the bottom of it at 5pm tonight, only on the Fox News Channel! |
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