segunda-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2011
domingo, 25 de dezembro de 2011
sexta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2011
The Rationale for Total Privatization - Hans-Hermann Hoppe - Mises Daily
O que er liberal?
Its achievements are chronicled in the pages of this fantastic book, edited by Alan Bullock and Maurice Shock, published first in 1957, in the words of the champions of liberalism in England from the 18th century and forward. Liberalism crushed protectionism. It achieved absolute security of private property, civil liberties for women and Jews, the end of slavery, the establishment of the freedom of association and religion, the end of mercantilism and the institutionalization of free trade, the end of torture and cruelty in penal laws, the hard-core opposition to imperialism, the celebration of the merchant class, the heralding of individualism.
Liberalism’s achievements are magnificent and sweeping. Reading through this volume with its orations and declarations, you can feel your heart racing with excitement. The statism of old was being swept away. In the minds of these great figures, there could never be too much liberty.
And yet the book also documents the change that began to overtake liberalism in the late 19th century, all resulting from what Hans Hoppe has called the great failing of liberalism: its belief that the state could itself be made liberal, benign, and even part of the structure of society itself.
And so you begin to detect a change in the narrative, all based on the myth of the possibility of good government. The first sector to fall is education, as we might expect. Then we have slippage in the area of foreign policy, stemming from the view that the state itself could become the liberator of peoples. World War I then changed everything and liberalism lost its anti-statist core and abandoned laissez-faire in economics.
The book ends with Keynes’s famous essay calling for an end to individualism. “Progress lies in the growth and the recognition of semi-autonomous bodies within the State-bodies whose criterion of action within their own field is solely the public good as they understand it.” He is critical of socialism because it is too enamored with the idea of freedom!
In any case, despite the ending, this is a wonderful collection with great lessons to teach us today. With its focus on English history, it has much to teach Americans about their own history.
O que er liberal?
Its achievements are chronicled in the pages of this fantastic book, edited by Alan Bullock and Maurice Shock, published first in 1957, in the words of the champions of liberalism in England from the 18th century and forward. Liberalism crushed protectionism. It achieved absolute security of private property, civil liberties for women and Jews, the end of slavery, the establishment of the freedom of association and religion, the end of mercantilism and the institutionalization of free trade, the end of torture and cruelty in penal laws, the hard-core opposition to imperialism, the celebration of the merchant class, the heralding of individualism.
Liberalism’s achievements are magnificent and sweeping. Reading through this volume with its orations and declarations, you can feel your heart racing with excitement. The statism of old was being swept away. In the minds of these great figures, there could never be too much liberty.
And yet the book also documents the change that began to overtake liberalism in the late 19th century, all resulting from what Hans Hoppe has called the great failing of liberalism: its belief that the state could itself be made liberal, benign, and even part of the structure of society itself.
And so you begin to detect a change in the narrative, all based on the myth of the possibility of good government. The first sector to fall is education, as we might expect. Then we have slippage in the area of foreign policy, stemming from the view that the state itself could become the liberator of peoples. World War I then changed everything and liberalism lost its anti-statist core and abandoned laissez-faire in economics.
The book ends with Keynes’s famous essay calling for an end to individualism. “Progress lies in the growth and the recognition of semi-autonomous bodies within the State-bodies whose criterion of action within their own field is solely the public good as they understand it.” He is critical of socialism because it is too enamored with the idea of freedom!
In any case, despite the ending, this is a wonderful collection with great lessons to teach us today. With its focus on English history, it has much to teach Americans about their own history.
segunda-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2011
IMB - A China é o novo exemplo clássico da Teoria Austríaca dos Ciclos Econômicos
sexta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2011
Fw: Geisel e Lula
Carlos Alberto Sardenberg, O GLOBO
Não foi por acaso que parte da esquerda brasileira encantou-se com a política econômica do presidente Ernesto Geisel, na década de 70. O general, que trazia uma bronca dos americanos, tinha uma visão muito ao gosto da chamada ala desenvolvimentista da América Latina: o Estado comanda as atividades, investindo, financiando, subsidiando, autorizando (ou vetando) os negócios e a atuação de empresas. Mais ainda: com a força das estatais e seus bancos, o governo organiza companhias para atuar em determinadas áreas.
O presidente Geisel, claro, tinha mais poderes do que os governantes da democracia. Todos os setores importantes da economia estavam nas mãos de estatais, de modo que o controle era mais direto. Além disso, havia o AI-5. Quando o presidente dizia a um empresário ou banqueiro o que deveria fazer, a proposta, digamos assim, tinha uma força extra.
Mas Lula arranjou um modo de recuperar o modelo, no que foi apoiado e seguido por Dilma. Geisel, por exemplo, era o dono da Vale. Lula não era, mas pressionou a mineradora, impôs negócios e terminou substituindo o presidente da companhia. Geisel montou as famosas companhias da área petroquímica, tripartites, constituídas por uma empresa estrangeira, uma nacional privada e uma estatal, na base do um terço cada. Aliás, convém notar: não faltaram multinacionais interessadas. O capital não se move por ideologia, mas por... dinheiro. Devia ser um bom negócio entrar num país sem competição, com apoio de um governo local que não devia satisfações ao Legislativo, ao Judiciário ou à imprensa.
Do mesmo modo, as multinacionais do petróleo, hoje, vão topar (ou não) o novo modelo de exploração do pré-sal não por motivos políticos, mas pela possibilidade de ganhar (ou não) dinheiro.
Lula, no regime democrático, substituiu o AI-5 pela ampla base partidária, cooptada e/ou comprada com vantagens e cargos. Na economia, sobraram instrumentos poderosos, como os bancos públicos, especialmente o braço armado de empréstimos especiais do BNDES. Além disso, em um país de carga tributária tão elevada, qualquer redução dá uma vantagem enorme ao setor escolhido. O governo Lula-Dilma usa e abusa desse recurso.
Geisel ampliou a ação da Petrobras, levando-a à petroquímica, ao comércio externo e ao varejo dos postos de gasolina. O presidente Lula também mandou a Petrobras ampliar seus negócios e tratou de devolver à estatal parte do poder que perdera com a lei do petróleo de 1997, colocando-a como dominante no pré-sal.
Geisel tocou grandes obras, grandes projetos. Lula, idem. Não é coincidência que o petista tenha retomado usinas nucleares que constavam do Brasil Potência do general. Geisel tinha outra grande vantagem. Na época, não tinha licença ambiental, não tinha Ministério Público, nem sindicatos, nem juízes, nem ONGs para suspender obras.
Já Lula e Dilma passam o tempo todo tentando driblar esses "estorvos", mas vai tudo mais devagar. Inclusive porque a repartição do governo por critérios partidários retira eficiência da administração, abre espaço para a corrupção.
O governo Geisel deixou uma ampla coleção de cemitérios fiscais e empresariais. Sua presidência beneficiou-se da estabilidade promovida pelas reformas da dupla Bulhões/Roberto Campos, no governo Castello Branco, e de uma conjuntura mundial favorável. Enquanto o Brasil conseguiu financiamento externo, com os bancos internacionais passando para os países em desenvolvimento os petrodólares, a juros baratos, o modelo ficou de pé. Com a crise mundial dos anos 70, com inflação e recessão, consequência da alta dos preços do petróleo, de alimentos e, em seguida, do choque de juros, a fonte secou e o Brasil quebrou.
Resultaram estatais tão grandes quanto ineficientes. E empresas privadas que não resistiam à menor competição. Sem as tetas do governo, simplesmente sumiram, deixando empresários ricos e uma conta para o contribuinte.
Convém pensar nisso quando Lula e Dilma forçam os bancos públicos a ampliarem seus financiamentos. Quando levam a Petrobras e empresas privadas a investimentos provavelmente acima de suas capacidades. Ou quando o governo toca essas obras enormes, como a transposição do Rio São Francisco ou o trem-bala.
Como Geisel, Lula também herdou uma estabilidade construída pela administração anterior e se beneficiou de um ambiente internacional extremamente favorável.
O ambiente internacional está mais hostil. E já são visíveis alguns ossos de esqueletos: obras atrasadas e mais caras, investimentos ficando pelo caminho, indústrias locais protegidas (e ineficientes), gasto público elevado, desequilíbrios econômicos voltando, como a persistente inflação.
terça-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2011
Energia eólica será tão barata quanto o gás natural em 2016 - Notícias - Naturlink
Revista Época - Belo Monte, nosso dinheiro e o bigode do Sarney - notícias em Sociedade
terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2011
Literature and the Search for Liberty: Newsroom: The Independent Institute
Michael Moore is a Big Fat Hypocrite (But You Knew that Already) | Godfather Politics
sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2011
Grécia: união nacional do capital contra o trabalho | Jornal Correio do Brasil
terça-feira, 8 de novembro de 2011
domingo, 6 de novembro de 2011
Precisamos de educação diferente de acordo com a classe social - Educação - Notícia -
PanAmericano disfarçou doações para Lula em 2006 | Reinaldo Azevedo - Blog -
sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011
sexta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2011
quinta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2011
terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2011
domingo, 30 de outubro de 2011
Fw: Horowitz: The Truth About Occupy Wall Street
Dear Fellow Conservative: The Occupy Wall Street crowd says that it represents "the 99 percent." But what percentage of this movement really wants a better life for the people of this country who have been hurt by the economic policies of the current administration? Is it the 45 percent who recently told pollsters that they feel capitalism "can't be saved"? Or the 35 percent who said that the U.S. government is "no better than al Qaeda"? Or the 31 percent willing to engage in violence to support its agendas? Is it the members of the Communist Party USA who helped organize the OWS demonstrations in Los Angeles and received a loud ovation when they addressed the OWS demonstrators in Chicago? Or the members of the American Nazi Party who supports the OWS movement because some protestors have a similar view about the evil of "Jew bankers"? No, the "99 percent" does not represent the majority. Not even close. It is the same small fraction of leftists who have been looking for a vehicle to launch a fatal attack on the foundations of America since the 1960s. But the media are buying their story about representing middle America, and Barack Obama and the Democrats are cynically using them to further the class warfare they are waging. That's why the Freedom Center is rushing Occupy Wall Street: The Enemy Within into publication. For your immediate donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to the Freedom Center, I'll send you a copy of this critical pamphlet as soon as it's off the press. This pamphlet gives chapter and verse about OWS. It shows how its demands—for "open borders"; for $1 trillion to be expended in "ecological restoration"; for forgiveness of "all debt on the entire planet"; among other things—are a dagger pointed at the heart of capitalism. It tells the inside story of how corrupt groups such as ACORN and the Service Employees International Union helped create and sustain this movement. Most of all, it shows exactly what the "Occupy" movement wants—to promote extreme levels of governmental and economic destabilization; to create social unrest in the U.S. and throughout the democratic world; and to form alliances with other radical causes, including the anti-Israel movement. I came out the Left; I know how it works and why it must be stopped. And I know that the people behind Occupy Wall Street—the leaders and strategists, not the flash mobs of useful idiots they manipulate—are not just middle class Americans venting their frustrations. They represent an orchestrated attack on the foundations of our nation; an effort to replace our system with one in which the accumulation of wealth—and all the social goods it creates in terms of jobs and prosperity—is no longer possible. The Freedom Center has undertaken a critical mission—to educate Americans of the danger the Left poses to our society. That's why I am urging you to help us disseminate Occupy Wall Street: The Enemy Within as widely as possible. We must not allow the main stream media and the Obamaites desperate for the President's re-election to win this battle by portraying these protestors as idealists who want to make America "fairer" and "more just" when in reality they want to radically transform our country into a place we will not recognize as our own! We plan to mail 250,000 copies of Occupy Wall Street: The Enemy Within in the next 30 days to journalists, politicians, and impressionable college students. But to get the truth out about this malicious movement, we need your help. I ask that you be as generous as possible in helping us fund this critically important publication. I will of course send you a free copy of Occupy Wall Street: The Enemy Within and keep you updated via email as the Freedom Center continues to monitor this movement. Please follow this link to make your most generous contribution right now. The light of the truth is the best disinfectant. Please help us shine that light who is behind Occupy Wall Street and what they want. Please help us get Occupy Wall Street: The Enemy Within into as many hands as possible. Sincerely, David Horowitz President & Founder P.S. Help the Freedom Center get the truth out about the Occupy Wall Street Movement by making the most generous contribution you can afford right now. Every dollar you are able to give will go towards printing and distributing 250,000 copies of our new pamphlet, Occupy Wall Street: The Enemy Within, to journalists, politicians, and impressionable college students. Don't forget that I'll send you a free copy for your donation. Thanks—David
quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2011
about stealing how liberal like
This law applies to every person in every society, from peasants to
presidents. Liberals, however, would disagree. They believe it is okay to
steal from a prosperous man so they can buy a vote from a lazy man.
When governments take more from one group of people than they take from
another group of people, the takers will eventually outvote the givers. This
is taxation without representation. Our founders believed this was theft and
fought a war of Independence to end it.
This new T-shirt by Patriot Gear makes the point that the Government is
breaking God's Law by stealing our hard-earned money.
We've changed the old English word "shalt" to the more modern version,
Why not wear this shirt to the Occupy Wall Street Protests and watch those
lawless flea-baggers squirm!
Fw: Raising Cain: Herman's New Book Scares Establishment
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Government Hates Competition T-Shirt |
In Exodus 20:15, God's Law states, "Thou shalt not steal." This law applies to every person in every society, from peasants to presidents. Liberals, however, would disagree. They believe it is okay to steal from a prosperous man so they can buy a vote from a lazy man. When governments take more from one group of people than they take from another group of people, the takers will eventually outvote the givers. This is taxation without representation. Our founders believed this was theft and fought a war of Independence to end it. This new T-shirt by Patriot Gear makes the point that the Government is breaking God's Law by stealing our hard-earned money. We've changed the old English word "shalt" to the more modern version, "shall." Why not wear this shirt to the Occupy Wall Street Protests and watch those lawless flea-baggers squirm! |
RETAIL Color:Black ∗ Gildan Ultra Cotton ∗ 99%-Cotton 1%-Preshrunk Polyester ∗ Available in Small-XXXL |
Don't Tread On Me Camo Cap |
RETAIL Begins Shipping October 31st |
Suicide of a Superpower |
Will America Survive to 2025? America is disintegrating. The "one Nation under God, indivisible" of the Pledge of Allegiance is passing away. In a few decades, that America will be gone forever. In its place will arise a country unrecognizable to our parents. This is the thrust of Pat Buchanan's The author of six New York Times bestsellers traces the disintegration to three historic changes: America's loss of her cradle faith, Christianity; the moral, social, and cultural collapse that have followed from that loss; and the slow death of the people who created and ruled the nation. America was born a Western Christian republic, writes Buchanan, but is being transformed into a multiracial, multicultural, multilingual, multiethnic stew of a nation that has no successful precedent in the history of the world. Where once we celebrated the unity, the melting pot and shared experience, that the Depression and World War gave us, our elites today proclaim, "Our diversity is our greatest strength!"-even as racial, religious, and ethnic diversity are tearing nations to pieces. Rejecting the commitment to a God-given equality of rights for all as inadequate, our government is engaged in the manic pursuit of equality of rewards, as it seeks to erect an egalitarian utopia that has never before existed. Less and less do we Americans have in common. More and more do we fight over religion, morality, politics, history, and heroes. And as our nation disintegrates, our government is failing in its fundamental duties, unable to defend our borders, balance our budgets, or win our wars. How Americans are killing the country they profess to love, and the fate that awaits us if we do not turn around, is what Suicide of a Superpower is all about. |
RETAIL Hardcover book, 496 Pages ∗ Begins Shipping November 1st |
© 2011 The Patriot Update & The Patriot Depot - A Division of Liberty Alliance, LLC Customer Support: (800) 678-3915 3150-A Florence Rd ∗ Suite #1 ∗ Powder Springs, GA 30127 |
quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2011
Obama and Democrats Following in Hitler’s Footsteps | Godfather Politics
Florida Judge Says Welfare Recipients Have More Rights Than Employed Americans | Godfather Politics
segunda-feira, 24 de outubro de 2011
domingo, 23 de outubro de 2011
CNN’s Anderson Cooper In Desperate Anti-Ron Paul Rant | Vision to America
The Bible mandates free market capitalism. It is anti-socialist. The proof is here: 10,000 pages of exposition, verse by verse. Free.
quarta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2011
Who Do You Blame? Wall Street or Washington DC? | Godfather Politics
First Friday with Grover Norquist - Washington Times
terça-feira, 18 de outubro de 2011
domingo, 16 de outubro de 2011
sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2011
Dois pesos e duas medidas com carros uruguaios e o IPI dos importados - CBN
O belo dia em que as marchas contra a corrupção começaram a andar - CBN
Mais uma vitima do Groupon
quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2011
Vai pra casa, Battisti! Sua casa é uma cadeia na Itália. | Reinaldo Azevedo - Blog -
Vítima do Groupon.
quarta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2011
Bil O‘Reilly’s Explosive Interview With Cornel West and Tavis Smiley | Video |
terça-feira, 11 de outubro de 2011
domingo, 9 de outubro de 2011
Abortionists’ Nightmare: New Viral Video is Changing Lives | Conservative Byte
domingo, 2 de outubro de 2011
Ron Paul: O único em que nós podemos acreditar
In Defense of Capitalism & Human Progress: Austrian Economics versus the Mainstream: An Interview with Richard M. Ebeling
sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2011
quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2011
Stossel Show with John Stossel - Fox Business
Relator: Só faltou Conselho de Ética canonizar Costa Neto - Terra - Política
terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2011
Notícias JurisWay - Hospital pode cobrar por atendimento de emergência mesmo sem contrato assinado - JurisWay
segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2011
Receba GRÁTIS as mensagens do Messenger no seu celular quando você estiver offline. Conheça o MSN Mobile! Crie já o seu!
sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2011
quinta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2011
Superior Tribunal de Justiça - O Tribunal da Cidadania
quarta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2011
Fw: Vania Maria Alves compartilhou um link no seu Mural.