----- Original Message -----
From: Vision to America
Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2011 4:05 PM
Subject: Horowitz: The Truth About Occupy Wall Street
Dear Fellow Conservative: The Occupy Wall Street crowd says that it represents "the 99 percent." But what percentage of this movement really wants a better life for the people of this country who have been hurt by the economic policies of the current administration? Is it the 45 percent who recently told pollsters that they feel capitalism "can't be saved"? Or the 35 percent who said that the U.S. government is "no better than al Qaeda"? Or the 31 percent willing to engage in violence to support its agendas? Is it the members of the Communist Party USA who helped organize the OWS demonstrations in Los Angeles and received a loud ovation when they addressed the OWS demonstrators in Chicago? Or the members of the American Nazi Party who supports the OWS movement because some protestors have a similar view about the evil of "Jew bankers"? No, the "99 percent" does not represent the majority. Not even close. It is the same small fraction of leftists who have been looking for a vehicle to launch a fatal attack on the foundations of America since the 1960s. But the media are buying their story about representing middle America, and Barack Obama and the Democrats are cynically using them to further the class warfare they are waging. That's why the Freedom Center is rushing Occupy Wall Street: The Enemy Within into publication. For your immediate donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to the Freedom Center, I'll send you a copy of this critical pamphlet as soon as it's off the press. This pamphlet gives chapter and verse about OWS. It shows how its demands—for "open borders"; for $1 trillion to be expended in "ecological restoration"; for forgiveness of "all debt on the entire planet"; among other things—are a dagger pointed at the heart of capitalism. It tells the inside story of how corrupt groups such as ACORN and the Service Employees International Union helped create and sustain this movement. Most of all, it shows exactly what the "Occupy" movement wants—to promote extreme levels of governmental and economic destabilization; to create social unrest in the U.S. and throughout the democratic world; and to form alliances with other radical causes, including the anti-Israel movement. I came out the Left; I know how it works and why it must be stopped. And I know that the people behind Occupy Wall Street—the leaders and strategists, not the flash mobs of useful idiots they manipulate—are not just middle class Americans venting their frustrations. They represent an orchestrated attack on the foundations of our nation; an effort to replace our system with one in which the accumulation of wealth—and all the social goods it creates in terms of jobs and prosperity—is no longer possible. The Freedom Center has undertaken a critical mission—to educate Americans of the danger the Left poses to our society. That's why I am urging you to help us disseminate Occupy Wall Street: The Enemy Within as widely as possible. We must not allow the main stream media and the Obamaites desperate for the President's re-election to win this battle by portraying these protestors as idealists who want to make America "fairer" and "more just" when in reality they want to radically transform our country into a place we will not recognize as our own! We plan to mail 250,000 copies of Occupy Wall Street: The Enemy Within in the next 30 days to journalists, politicians, and impressionable college students. But to get the truth out about this malicious movement, we need your help. I ask that you be as generous as possible in helping us fund this critically important publication. I will of course send you a free copy of Occupy Wall Street: The Enemy Within and keep you updated via email as the Freedom Center continues to monitor this movement. Please follow this link to make your most generous contribution right now. The light of the truth is the best disinfectant. Please help us shine that light who is behind Occupy Wall Street and what they want. Please help us get Occupy Wall Street: The Enemy Within into as many hands as possible. Sincerely, David Horowitz President & Founder P.S. Help the Freedom Center get the truth out about the Occupy Wall Street Movement by making the most generous contribution you can afford right now. Every dollar you are able to give will go towards printing and distributing 250,000 copies of our new pamphlet, Occupy Wall Street: The Enemy Within, to journalists, politicians, and impressionable college students. Don't forget that I'll send you a free copy for your donation. Thanks—David
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